Teachers’ Unions: Why They Are Dangerous For America – By Rhonda Miller

Rhonda Miller – Education Chair, Indiana Liberty Coalition

Have you ever found yourself asking, “What is happening with education today”? Who controls education? If you’re a concerned Hoosier parent or educator, look no further than the National Teachers’ Association (NEA), Indiana State Teachers’ Association (ISTA) and even your local teachers’ unions.

From the ISTA website: “WHAT IS ISTA’S CONNECTION TO THE NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION (NEA)? ISTA is a state affiliate of NEA and adheres to a unified membership and to the guidelines of NEA. ISTA members are enrolled as members of NEA and receive professional support and significant, cost-saving member benefits through that membership.”

So, let’s take a look at what this means:

During the last eight years of unpacking what is happening with our educational system, I’ve uncovered many dangers; however, none, in my opinion, is more so than the teachers’ unions. I love to read books and my latest was Standing Up To Goliath by Rebecca Friedrichs. In her tell all book, Rebecca shares story after story of how the NEA, as well as state and local unions, have threatened, intimidated and abused teachers, all while forcing them to comply to the unions’ heinous treatment of students.

By forcing teachers to pay hefty dues through mafia style tactics, these unions promote very dangerous policies, ideologies and politicians that undermine the values of communities and parents. Rebecca tells how the NEA promotes dangerous sex education programs, like Making Proud Choices, into the classroom by pushing “opt-out” vs “opt-in” procedures behind the backs of parents.

As our coalition witnessed with ISTA last legislative session, they admit they will access more kids with an opt-out. They know that parents often don’t see the opt-out forms; therefore, kids will automatically get the sexual indoctrination What most parents don’t realize is that their children are being sexualized with condom races and shopping, graphic sexual role play scenarios and videos as well as trips to Planned Parenthood. These programs also push the gay and lesbian lifestyle as normal throughout the curriculum and anyone who objects must be labeled as homophobic, hater or bigot. There is no room for religious beliefs in these programs. While forcing sexual abuse of minors, unions are mandating teachers to violate their most sacred duty of protecting children.

In Standing Up To Goliath, Rebecca lists out the following NEA Representative Assembly’s 2017 New Business Items such as: boycotts of companies and organizations, refusal to cooperate with ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), advocating for homosexuality in schools with materials from GLSEN (Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network), opposing the travel ban imposed by the current administration and working against it, focusing on “Gender-inclusive Schools Toolkit”, supporting sanctuary cities, supporting transgender students access to bathrooms and locker rooms of their choosing, and promoting racial issues. (pg101-102) Is it any wonder that our schools have become nothing more than social engineering indoctrination centers?

In 2016, the teachers’ unions spent over 87% of their money taken from unsuspecting teachers on campaign coffers of Democratic candidates while only 12.3% went to Republicans. Meanwhile, 100% of money given to outside groups went to Democrats only. Is it any wonder our schools have become a public battleground for liberalism? (pgs 76-77)

Since it’s always about the money, it’s no wonder that the NEA, ISTA and local teachers’ unions are all now going after school choice and the voucher program? Parents who are wising up and opting for a better education for their children are often times putting them in private or charter schools where the teachers’ unions don’t exist. This threatens the coffers of these powerful money hungry edu-crats. Not to mention that these children are no longer under control of the unions’ plans of indoctrination. As we are seeing happening now, the unions are lining up and targeting conservative legislatures as well as private and charter school with their own bullying techniques. The NEA

Rebecca Friedrichs

and ISTA will not be happy until every child is forced back into public schools and parents are forced to pay for them with no alternative. I guess that’s what ISTA meant with their banner at the statehouse which read: ‘Our Kids, Our Schools, Our Future”.

I believe it’s high time someone stands up to the NEA, ISTA and local unions and remind them that parents are the ultimate authority as well as taxpayer and we’ve had enough. We are taking back “our kids, our schools and our future” from those trying to rob our children of a great education. Let’s join Rebecca Friedrichs in “Battling State And National Teacher’s Unions For The Heart And Soul Of Our Kids and Country”.


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2 Comments on "Teachers’ Unions: Why They Are Dangerous For America – By Rhonda Miller"

  1. “A half-century ago, teachers unions had a place in the American public. Now they have forgotten their place … going from protectors … to enablers of greed and malfeasance.”

    Half of America now sees teacher unions in a negative light. And the unions won’t stop poisoning that well of public opinion. Their promise of more aggressive activism has energized lots of resistance … even among teachers themselves.

    It’s a bizarre sort of kamikaze mission.

    Read more at http://denisianblog.com/2019/01/05/the-teacher-union-war-on-parents/

  2. Great article. We will keep talking about this until the work of ousting the NEA and its state affiliates from our schools is done. People are finally starting to wake up because of people like you and Rebecca. Thanks, Rhonda!

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