California Backfire: Push-Back in the Left Coast Asylum – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

The insanity found in the formerly “golden state” is being exposed and the citizenry is reaching its limits of tolerance. The abuse dished out from Democrat authoritarians in Sacramento may slow appreciably if the awakened citizens stand strong against the “sanctuary” law, SB 54.

They’ve had enough.

Six percent of the California populace is composed of illegal aliens who receive support from the state, paid for by legal residents. San Francisco, Los Angeles, and other cities in California now have large “homeless” camps, and some tent clusters even line city streets. The refuse is everywhere, human waste and spent drug syringes filling gutters. As the homeless population grows, Governor Brown encourages more poor illegals to seek sanctuary in the state.

Forty-four percent of California households do not speak English at home. Over the last seven years, 675,000 more people have left the state than have entered to establish residence. And, thanks to the rogues in Sacramento, one million illegal aliens now have California driver’s licenses.

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California has automatic voter registration through their DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles), so when you apply for that state’s driver’s license, you’re automatically registered to vote. State officials say this is for state elections only. California DMV staff say they employ the “honor system” to guarantee that applicants are U.S. citizens.

The attempt by one city in Maryland to allow illegal aliens to vote in an election, and the move by California to do the same state-wide, will destroy the concept of citizenship if allowed to occur.

The passage of SB 54, the state sanctuary law, has highlighted all this abuse.

A San Diego Union Tribune headline of March 28 declared, “Escondido County May Join Federal Lawsuit Challenging

State Sanctuary Laws.” Sam Abed, mayor of Escondido, came down hard on state leaders, saying their directives (the sanctuary law) were unconstitutional. He stated that California politicians are thwarting police practices to protect their communities.

An average of 15 Americans are killed per day by illegal immigrants.

The headline in the Los Angeles Times on March 30 stated: “California Tells Schools How They Should Protect Students from Immigration Enforcement.”

Kristin Gaspar, San Diego County Supervisor, railed against California’s “open door” policy as established by recent passage of the state sanctuary law. She is only one of dozens of officials representing counties and cities across California, who are actively pushing back against Governor Jerry Brown’s sanctuary insanity.

Contrary to the realities in California’s communities, however, Sacramento keeps preaching the “benefits” of open immigration. If immigration is such a benefit to the country and such a blessing economically, why is California such a basket case, ranked the highest in poverty among the states?

Back on January 10, ICE agents raided 98 “7-11 Stores,” arresting illegal aliens across several states.

Sanctuary cities in the “official” sanctuary state of California were next and ICE activities to apprehend and deport criminal illegal aliens in that state have been a news staple for months.

Image result for sanctuary stateAccording to 8 U.S. Code §1324, if you harbor or hide someone here illegally you can be arrested and charged with a felony.

Heads up to the attorney general of California and the progressive mayors of cities in that state: If you are an accessory to harboring illegals you can be arrested. If only Jeff Sessions would follow up…

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